…showing her the artistry of business.
As someone who loves performance, Amy Vannieuwenhoven might consider her UWGB education as a first act. In 2015, Amy majored in Business, but she insists that it wasn’t accounting, economics, or management that truly inspired her: it was theatre. Crediting multiple UWGB teachers and mentors, Amy says that her theatre courses and experiences–and particularly their interplay with her Business major requirements–provided her with an unparalleled sense of confidence upon entering the workforce.

Whether it was John Mariano’s inspirational demeanor, Don McCartney’s high expectations, or Ellen Rosewall’s undying care for all of her students, Amy insists that without these people intimately involved in her education, she may not have seen the connections between a conference room and a costume room.
“Theatre classes helped me understand how to be outgoing and use the skills I learned to my advantage,” Amy says. “I also feel driven to pursue a job which I feel passionate about, which I feel is often something that is neglected in college.” Now with a Business degree, Amy feels confident to stand out from other job seekers by drawing from skills learned on the stage, performing admirably in the business world, ready for whatever her second act has to offer.
Name: Amy Vannieuwenhoven
Grad Year: 2015
Major: Business Administration
Minor: Arts Management
We’ve asked alumni to either share stories of how their lives were transformed by the UWGB experience or how they are making the world a better place with transformational work in their careers, homes, or volunteer experiences. As UWGB celebrates its 50th Anniversary, meet an alum each week who has experienced a “UW-Green Bay Transformation.” Stories were self-submitted and then edited by Zachary Taylor, a 2010 English Education graduate currently serving as Interim Associate Director of the Phuture Phoenix program.