Latest Past Events

Late Night Breakfast

Leona Cloud Commons 2420 Nicolet Drive, Green Bay

UW-Green Bay Students are invited to a free Late Night Breakfast on Monday, December 14 from 10 to 11 p.m. in the Leona Cloud Commons, University Union, while supplies last. This event is sponsored by the Dean of Students, University Union, A'viand's, and Pepsi.


Tapping the Phoenix Brew

Broadway District Hubbard and Broadway, Green Bay

In honor of UW-Green Bay's 50th Anniversary, Titletown Brewing Co. has brewed as special Phoenix Beer. Join us for the inagural tapping on September 2 at the Farmers Market on Broadway!

50th Anniversary Campus Kickoff and Backyard Bash

Mauthe Center 2420 Nicolet Drive, Green Bay

Join us  at the shoe tree as we celebrate our 50th anniversary with a reception for faculty, staff, students, alumni, and friends. A brief program includes welcome, remarks, and will be followed by a cookout and live music. In partnership with the Mauthe Center and sponsored by UW-Credit Union.